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30% off Diapers & Wipes at Amazon + Additional 20% off = HUGE SAVINGS

Back in September I wrote about how you can get some incredible deals on diapers and wipes through Amazon. You can read about it here. I hope you’ve saved lots of money since then! I wanted to write about this again for those of you who may have forgotten, or those of you who haven’t heard about it.

If you haven’t heard, you can save 30% off diapers & wipes and get FREE shipping through Amazon Mom, a free program that works in conjunction with their Subscribe & Save program. Combine this deal with the 20% off coupons you can find in Parents & Parenting Magazines, and this makes Amazon the cheapest place to buy diapers! 

I just bought a box of 204 Size 3 Pampers and after everything the total was $20, a savings of around 50% off retail (keep in mind that prices fluctuate on Amazon from day to day, so your total may come out to being slightly different than what I paid). Even if you stack coupons at your local store, you still won’t get this good of a deal! 

If you have a Parents or Parenting magazine laying around, check to see if you have a 20% off coupon inside (check your local library if you don’t receive these magazines, they will let you have the coupons!). The coupons are the size of a post card and they are bright green. They have a unique code on them that you enter when you checkout. The latest coupons expire at the end of December (12/31), so don’t forget to take advantage of them. I have heard that the January magazine issues will not have any coupons in them, but I haven’t received them yet, so I can’t confirm. I would assume that they are just skipping a month like they did awhile back, and that they will resume the coupons again in the February issues. The coupons can’t be stacked, so if you have more than one coupon that you would like to use, just place two separate orders or open up a separate account under your spouse’s name or another family member. 

Get started with Amazon Mom:

Sign up for Amazon Mom to receive the 30% Subscribe and Save discount on diapers and wipes and get FREE 2-day shipping. You will also get a free trial membership to Amazon Prime for three months. This gives you free 2-day shipping on anything sold by Amazon. Each time you make a purchase of $25 or more in the baby store, your trial will be extended by one month (up to a year!). You’ll also receive emails with discounts. You can see them anytime at
You don’t have to be a mom to join and you may cancel at any time.

Once you’ve signed up, search for the item you want to buy and click on it. In order to see and receive the Subscribe & Save 30% off discount you have to click on the item and then select the Subscribe & Save button. You will have to select the frequency that you want to receive the item (you can cancel this at any time). Only items sold by Amazon are eligible. If you have a 20% off coupon, enter it during checkout.

If you have trouble doing any of this, let me know and I will be happy to help you out!

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