I can’t believe my son has already started school. Where did the summer go? It seems like every year it flies by even faster than the year before. The last couple of weeks of break flew by especially fast since we were gearing up to go back to school. Every day we had something going on — shopping for school supplies, clothes shopping, hair cut appointments, annual physicals, and more. We did do a few fun things, including going to the movies, getting fro-yo, and going to the pool. Now that my son has been back in school for a week, things are starting to calm down a little bit and we are adjusting to our new routine.
I am thankful that as a stay-at-home mom I can be here for my son when he gets home from school. For many parents this isn’t an option and they have to rely on daycare or organizations like the Boys and Girls Club of America to take care of their children before and/or after school. When I was a teacher my school had a BCGA after school program and my son would go there while I finished up for the day. He loved it and I appreciated the fact that it was an affordable option for us!
The Boys and Girls Club of America works hard to make a difference in the lives of children and they could really use your help this back-to-school season.
Here’s how you can get involved:
The Boys and Girls Club of America has partnered with Disney to launch the Tools for Back to School initiative. All you have to do is play a pop-quiz style game and school supplies will be donated to BGCA for every correct answer you score. How cool is that?! You can play here.
The Boys and Girls Club of America has also partnered with jcpenny and during the month of August you can join jcp cares and round up your purchase at the register to benefit BGCA. If you will be shopping at jcp in August, I encourage you to ’round up’ and let your proceeds benefit the BGCA!
For those of you who have kiddos who have gone back to school, BGCA offers different educational content and tip sheets for parents to download and utilize. You can find them on the left hand side of the BGCA website under the ‘Get Ready’ header. They are great resources that you should definitely check out.
If you are looking for a great way reach out this back-to-school season, I encourage you to help out the Boys and Girls Club of America. Every little bit counts!
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Boys and Girls Club. I received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.