If you’re forced to leave your job on either a temporary or permanent basis due to a serious injury, one of your main concerns may be how you are going to survive financially. It’s obvious that without any regular source of income, you’re going to have to make cutbacks. If you have a little money saved, until you make a full recovery, it’s possible that you’ll have to live on whatever funds you have still available to you. Ideally, you should cut out any luxuries and prioritize basics such as food, but what else can do you do?
You may be entitled to workers compensation if you leave for a legitimate reason (in the UK it’s called statutory pay). The income from that might only last for at most a month, but it’s something. Besides that, there is something else you can do to make watching your finances a little less stressful. The solution lies with first4lawyers.com, who can help you make a compensation claim against whoever is at fault for your predicament.
Claiming may help you to win money from those who caused your injury, which will not only act as justice, but will also help to give you a little extra leeway when budgeting for not earning any money. You may wonder what you need to do in order to make such a claim — hiring legal help, gathering evidence of your injury and any financial losses can help. Any compensation won could pay for basic medical costs, food bills and energy costs for a short to medium-term period, meaning you can concentrate on getting better.
This post was written by Gerald Hartman, a lawyer who works with medicalsolicitors.co.uk on issues relating to personal finances.
Janet W.
Tuesday 20th of November 2012
This is all very useful information. Has never happened to me before, but you just never know!