Have you heard about the new personalized greeting card company, Treat? Treat is a new brand from the folks at Shutterfly and Tiny Prints that lets you create unique, personalized greeting cards. With more than 4,500 customized card designs at launch, the Treat service offers one of the industry’s largest selections from the best designers, including Hallmark.
Treat is an easy and revolutionary new way to make personalized greetings in your own style and personality just in time for Mother’s Day! Here is how it works:
- Choose your card from their thousands of designs, including the Mother’s Day Collection. Personalize it with photos, nicknames, inside jokes, whatever you want to add. This is your chance to make it YOUR card. Be creative. Be funny. Be sappy. Make them laugh, cry, or just smile. You can also add an embedded gift card from stores such as Amazon, Target, Pottery Barn and more.
- When you checkout, get unlimited cards for $0.99 each through Mother’s Day. Use the code AFFTREAT to get this special deal.
Cards are normally $2.99 a piece, so this would be a great time to stock up on cards for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and any birthdays or other occasions that you have coming up!. Click here to order yours.