Dickies has teamed up with hardworking pitcher R.A. Dickey to launch the Built To Work Facebook Contest, to reward hard work on and off the job. A new winner is chosen each week, deemed Built To Work, given Dickies pants and entered for a shot at the Grand Prize trip for two to the Ultimate Baseball Experience!
To enter, all you need to do is upload an image or video to the Dickies Facebook page in response to revolving work themes. Dickies judges will select the best weekly winners showing people rolling up their sleeves, doing projects with purpose or simply getting the job done.
Dickies Facebook fans will vote for the Grand Prize winner from the pool of weekly winners October 2 – October 11, 2013. For more information, official rules and a chance to be deemed the weekly Built To Work winner, and grand prize winner, visit www.dickiesbuilttowork.com.