We’ve had an absolutely gorgeous fall here in Colorado. The colorful leaves have started falling off the trees, and while the temps have cooled, it’s still pleasantly warm. The weather has been perfect for fall sports and encouraging outdoor play.
After a long day at school, my twin girls are excited to come home, grab a snack and head outdoors. They love riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the swing set and playing soccer. To help fuel their activities, I always make sure I have CLIF Kid snacks on hand!
CLIF Kid makes nutritious snacks from organic ingredients that are specially-crafted for kids’ developing taste buds and active lives. Whether on the run from soccer practice, or in between homework sessions, CLIF Kid Zbars® are perfect for growing kids (and busy parents!).
We’ve been huge fans of CLIF Kids Zbars® for a long time. They are a healthy snack and they provide great energy. My kids LOVE them and so do I! They make a great after-school snack and they are perfect for fueling all of our sports activities.
It’s important to me that my kids stay active, especially during the school year when they are stuck inside for most of the day. With busy school schedules, however, it can be hard to fit in playtime.
What we’ve found works best is to let the kids have playtime right after school. They come home, grab a snack and head outdoors until it’s time to eat dinner. After being in school all day, all they want to do is play, so we save homework for later in the evening. Plus, with it getting darker earlier, this ensures that they will get at least some outdoor play each day!
On days that they have sports after school, we have even less time to get stuff done. We usually stop home, grab a CLIF Kids Zbar® and head to the soccer field or basketball court. We tackle homework after dinner and then the kids shower and head to bed. Some days are crazy, but always make sure they have time to play!
Just because school is back in session, doesn’t mean kids should lose out on creative playtime. Take time out of each busy school week to get creative with your kids, allow them the time to have free-play, and watch their healthy habits grow.
Check out this fun video to see how CLIF Kid is encouraging kids to come out and play!
How do you get creative with playtime during the busy school year?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Saturday 8th of April 2017
I love Clif bars. I've tried to copy cat them, and can't even get close. These would be good to put in the Easter baskets!
Janet W.
Wednesday 7th of December 2016
My grandsons would really enjoy the chocolate chip variety. These look delicious! What a great snack option.