Whether you work from home or simply enjoy having your own space, your home office is the perfect place for checking tasks off your to-do list. But how many times have you been distracted by clutter, uncomfortable chairs, or a clunky old computer? Nothing kills productivity quicker than an unorganized office.
So, how do you transform this space into a haven of creativity and efficiency? With a few quick tips and tricks, you’ll be powering through your daily planner like never before. Whether you have a book to write or kids crafts to make, it’s time to harness the full potential of your home office.
Decorate to Inspire Good Energy
You hear all the time about workers in corporate environments who hate their surroundings. The bland walls, drab cubicles, and fluorescent lights really take a toll on the human psyche over time. Productivity plummets when you don’t enjoy where you’re spending time, and the décor of a room affects your mood a lot more than you might think.
If this is the case for your home office, it’s time to watch a little HGTV and head over to Home Depot. Paint the walls a light, bright color like a pale blue or sunflower yellow to bring upbeat energy into the room. Dark walls or barren white walls won’t be visually stimulating, and they can all-too-easily create an uninspiring vibe for the whole room.
Next, pick out comfy but professional furniture. That means don’t opt for a huge recliner chair to sit in at your desk—you’ll just end up taking afternoon naps instead of getting down to business. Depending on how you use your home office, you’ll need to find desks, couches, and tables to maximize your workflow. Pick furniture that is comfy but sleek, and you’ll be golden.
The last step is to add personal touches that will make this space a welcoming and homey place to cross off your daily tasks. Add fresh flowers, wall art, lamps with a soft glow, and comfy rugs to turn a utilitarian office into a sanctuary of positive energy!
Find the Right Equipment
No home office would be complete without the right technical equipment. Ditch that ancient PC and bring yourself into the digital age.
Do you work with graphic design software on a regular basis? Find a desktop computer with enough processing power to handle hefty applications so your workflow is never interrupted. Or perhaps you print out a lot of pictures for your scrapbooking hobby? The best home printers on the market will give you lab-quality photos without ever leaving the house.
Beyond the standard setup of a computer and printer, a good sound system might take your productivity to the next level. Plenty of people feel more energized when they’re working to the soundtrack of their favorite tunes. Grab a Bluetooth speaker that you can move around the house with you once office hours are over.
Keep It Organized
There’s no way your workflow can flourish in a messy home office. During the decorating process, make sure that you invest in some good storage bins or shelving to keep everything organized. A minimalist approach is always best—a clean space inspires a clear mind.
Just like the Netflix-famous organizing consultant Marie Kondo says, if something doesn’t spark joy, there’s no reason to keep it. If you ever feel like your home office is starting to get cluttered, toss out anything that doesn’t make you feel happy and energized. The biggest obstacle to productivity is chaotic clutter cramping your style.
Have Private Office Hours
It’s important to have control over how, when, and by whom your new productivity haven is used. If you have kids or roommates, make sure to set private office hours where you can’t be disturbed. Constant interruptions will immediately destroy your streak. Make sure everyone in the house understands your schedule and abides by your rules. You’ve created an office oasis, and you deserve to enjoy it on your own terms.
In no time at all, you’ll have an amazing home office that encourages endless amounts of creativity. Stay on top of your tasks, crush those chores, and find new ways to make use of your time that you never knew possible. Productivity paradise is within your reach!
Devon Bernthal
Monday 11th of February 2019
Great post!!! Right now my home office is a small part of my kitchen which consists of my desk and a bookshelf. I can't wait until the day I can have an actual home office where my kids won't mess with my stuff and distract me!