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7 Tips to Eating Healthy on a Budget

So many families are struggling with how to afford to eat healthy. I know it’s a constant dilemma for my family — to eat healthy and spend more or eat not-so-healthy and spend less. The good news I’ve learned that you can eat healthy on a budget. Yes, you will have to spend a little more money, but with these 7 Tips to Eating Healthy on a Budget, you will save money and be on the road to better health!

7 Tips to Eating Healthy on a Budget

7 Ways to Eat Healthy on a Budget 

Grow Your Own Vegetables. Nothing makes a difference quite like having a garden full of fresh vegetables at your fingertips. Not only are you saving money at the grocery store, you are eliminating a lot of the harsh chemicals and pesticides commonly used on produce purchased and sold in mass retailers.

Shop Farmer’s Markets. If you don’t feel up to the task of growing your own garden, check out your local Farmer’s Markets. Not only will you help a local farmer, you will also find better prices than the grocery store. The fruits and vegetables will taste better than what you buy in store and your budget will thank you.

Increase Vegetarian Meals. Skip the meat once or twice a week for your evening meal. Serve more salads, soups, chilis or hearty pasta dishes chock full of vegetables. Eating healthy on a budget includes skipping meat on occasion and opting for the organic and natural foods in our pantry that are full of nutrients our bodies need.

Stop Buying Processed Foods & Make It From Scratch. Dry beans, pasta made from scratch, and foregoing the meal kits will change the way you view food. Not only will your meals taste better, you’ll see your budget for food decreasing as you begin making more and more from scratch.

Add Herbs For Flavor. A fresh herb garden is very simple to maintain in a windowsill and offers a ton of great flavor. Dill, Cilantro, Rosemary, Thyme, Mint, Basil and Parsley are easy to grow and maintain. Add fresh sprigs to your pasta sauce, in marinades for meat you are grilling or chopped up inside butter for amazing herbed butters that are sure to revamp your menu plan.

Barter For Fresh Produce. Check with your friends and neighbors who have gardens and see what you can barter for a few baskets of fresh produce. Swap child care, ready cooked meals, assistance when it’s time to freeze or can the produce or any other task you can manage in exchange for the produce they can provide.

Make Freezer Meals. With fresh produce in abundance it is the perfect time to make-ahead your favorite casseroles, side dishes and entrées. Instead of seeing food go to waste, enjoy the products of your labor for weeks and months to come.

Eating healthy is partially about what you buy, but a lot more about the choices you make and time spent to put things on the table. Planning ahead and organizing your menu plan go a long way toward being consistent in your health choices. These 7 ways to eat healthy on a budget are only the tip of the iceberg. There are many small changes you can make every day to increase the healthy food in your life. Being consistent and not giving up will help you succeed in your goals of frugality and health.

What are your tips to eating healthy on a budget?

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