I have a love-hate relationship with working out. I wake up each morning feeling energized and motivated to go to the gym. I can hardly wait to get there and have my me-time. The hour that I spend working out is the only time of the day that I can block out the rest of the world. It is wonderful! I put my headphones on and lift heavy weights as I jam to my favorite songs. As all of those feel-good endorphins are released, I feel even more energized and on top of the world. That awesome feeling lasts throughout my workout and for maybe an hour afterwards. Then it’s a completely different story.
The second half of my day I am wondering why I even work out. I feel so exhausted that I have a hard time getting anything done. Even though I always make sure that I refuel with healthy carbs and protein after my workout, I still feel tired and sore. I can’t help but question why I lift weights and put myself through this five days a week. You would think I would have given up by now, but I haven’t. I go to bed with sore muscles, wake up with sore muscles and go right back to the gym with the same enthusiasm!
Fitness is a huge passion of mine, so it would take a lot for me to stop working out. Even if I have to deal with sore muscles, headaches and pure exhaustion every day, I will continue to work out because I love it that much. Thankfully, there are ways to deal with the pain to keep me going!
5 Ways to Soothe Sore Muscles
We’ve all been there. We go a little overboard with a new workout and end up feeling like we got hit by a bus afterwards. While it’s a good sign that you’ve pushed your body to the limits, dealing with the pain can make you want to give up. Instead of throwing the towel in, keep pushing towards your goal and soothe your muscles with these helpful tips.
1. Take Advil Liqui-Gels – Advil is designed to help you defy even the toughest pain. You can take 1-2 capsules every 4-6 hours to relieve headaches and muscle pain or tightness.
2. Drink More Water – Water hydrates your muscles and helps them recover from a grueling workout. Drinking more water will help your muscles recover more quickly!
3. Ice the Affected Area – For muscles that are strained or inflamed, place a bag of ice or a cold compress (wrapped in a towel) on the areas that are affected for 10-15 minutes. The cold temperature constricts blood vessels and reduces swelling.
4. Take an Epsom Salt Bath – Epsom salt contains magnesium sulfate, a subtle muscle relaxant. It helps increase blood flow to sore muscles, which in turn helps them recover more quickly. Simply pour one cup of epsom salt into a hot bath and soak your body in it for 20-25 minutes. Just make sure you drink plenty of water afterwards to help your body rehydrate!
5. Massage With a Foam Roller – A great way to target and massage sore muscles is to roll on a foam roller. I have one with bumps on it and it is amazing at getting knots out of my back! You can find them at many retailers, including Amazon.
What’s your favorite way to soothe sore muscles after a tough workout?
This post is part of an Advil® sponsored series for Socialstars. All opinions are my own. #FastAdvilFanatics
Thursday 31st of March 2016
I take advil after a workout at the gym, when my arthritis starts acting up, for a headache and body ache for sore muscles.....
Sunday 27th of March 2016
I like the idea of drinking water after work outs with advil of course
Barbara Blake
Thursday 17th of March 2016
The Green bath therapy works really good. Along with advil
Cindy Orley
Monday 1st of February 2016
Great tips, drinking plenty of water before, during, and after the workout helps me!